Bpc Toolkit For Loadrunnerjmeter
The resources are free online and customized training is also available for a wide range of budgets.. Toolkit resources develop the confidence and competence of those leading CS activities.. Topics addressed include preparing yourself to work with children, modeling CS practices, making CS connections to careers, developing a CS identity, introducing computational thinking, and teaching decomposition (CT). Click
4-H: Computer Science Professional Development ToolkitOrg: Click2SciencePD / Nebraska 4-HUrl:The Computer Science Professional Development (CSPD) toolkit supports CS departments and faculty partnering with out-of-school time (OST) programs such as afterschool programs, summer camps, museums and science centers, youth development organizations or clubs, or community organizations to broaden participation in computing. HERE
The toolkit has been developed to increase the capacity of postsecondary institutions and other organizations to BPC by engaging youth is OST programs in plugged and unplugged CS activities.. The toolkit was developed and piloted by National 4-H Council, University of Nebraska-Lincoln and Click2SciencePD.. It can be found online atDepartment Chairs or PIs can use the toolkit to prepare staff, students or faculty to work with K-12 students in their BPC efforts. HERE
The CSPD trains CS students, professionals or faculty to use best practices in OST learning to engage young people in computer science and computational thinking. e10c415e6f 4